In April 2020, I purchase a 2012 Ford Transit Connect, to became my tiny house on wheels (I will have a more detail blog about the buildout).

One of the problems that I encountered was the cabinet sink area. I used 3/4in plywood to keep the weight down. I had to figure out how to seal it and the sink edge. About the same time, the people at issue a challenge to create a piece of art using their resin. Problem solved!!
I created a collage, about 24 feet wide and 48 feet long. I divided it into three 16×24 pictures. Using the same technique that I use when I mount my photos on to wooded blocks (go here if you want to read about it: (What Are Photoblocks?). I had to cut a hole in the collage for the sink opening. I then applied one coat of Art Resin. You can see the results below!!